Stormy Daniels IS a better fit for President ...than Lumpy Trumpy!

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I think all news media should use the phrase "porn fan" or even "porn fan-in-chief" when referring to Trump in this context -- at least as often as Daniels is called a porn star. He must be a fan insofar as he signed up for a golf tournament featuring porn stars.

Alternatively & especially in the E Jean Carroll context, I wish people would refer to him as "Ex-prez Pervy Paws." & stop being too cute about not saying "pussy." Yes, there are standards, but I think they would accommodate saying "he likes to brag about shoving his pervy paws into strangers' privates."

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Just like hair sniffer in chief. See you fail to realize that some people don’t care about Trump’s past behaviors, but look at his accomplishments and their pocketbook. I could care less who the President is banging

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I disagree with your conclusion. It's really easy to discredit a man, whose foundation and everyday behavior is a sham. You just have to point it out. That his base of "believers" are so aggrieved that they'll literally believe anything is a separate issue. A woman who promotes sex is fine and straightforward as far as it goes, but it falls short of describing or sensitizing the audience to the possibility of a "peak sexual and spiritual" experience. (and we're not just speaking of a regular 'ole orgasm.)

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Stormy Daniels's story is pretty compelling. I recommend watching "Stormy" on Peacock. She's been through absolute hell with the long, unending Trump story. She's a survivor and it's good to know she gave it right back to the defense. And I gotta say, I'm no fan of prostitution. I worry for the sex workers. BTW, she's a Republican.

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But she still kept the 130k and her lawyer is charged in multiple fraudulent schemes. That apple don’t fall far from the tree

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Understand, after forcing himself on her, she did not cry rape or demand his arrest, she didn't view herself as a victim. She did sue him for defamation and lost. Trump demanded and got a court order for her to pay him over $600,000. Recently, David, Trump has again sought an NDA to keep her from telling about his offer to discount the amount she's repaying in order for her to keep silent again. To protect his "pristine image" and not the true fact that he is a documented sexual predator of women and underage girls. And yeah, it turns out Daniels's first lawyer took her for all she was worth. So...are you castigating her or the male predators who have serially abused her in nearly every possible way?

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Like all gold digging whores she was caught in multiple lies. Don’t give that BS about trying to keep her silent again…it’s all out in the open, there’s nothing left to hear from this porn star and cum dumpster. She knew what she was doing, she figured out long ago that having sex has power and can be used against others. What underage girls you talking about? Another lie to cover for your TDS. By the way, she allowed herself to be “serially abused”…not one damn police report. Her “male predators” were paying customers.

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great read

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Strong piece. Thank you for this dispassionate review.

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Strong piece! Oh the irony

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Stormy 4 Supreme Court!!!

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She gives “riding the bench” a whole new meaning.

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Funny how there was zero mention of the 130k she eagerly accepted in your story. Nor any mention of the NDA she eagerly signed to keep this quiet. 1,000’s of companies and all government related intelligence activities use them as well. She willingly had sex with Donald Trump and when it was feared she would speak about it…she got paid to be quiet. I guess the source of that payment is what is on trial here. And yes…her past statements and behaviors are fair game in the courtroom…it goes to intent. When you get compensated for performing sexual acts it is prostitution

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