Thank you so much for this Jess, I’ve been dying to know more about these artists

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Hi Jessica,

Loved this piece ! Such interesting insights to the thoughts of these artists. I have a friend here in Las Vegas who has done some courtroom sketching for high profile cases. He is a terrific sketch artist but not of the same caliber as your gals. He didn't do it for a living. Anyway, I will forward your article to a couple of friends who will enjoy it.....I am sure. Barbara

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Your photographs are marvelous! Your story magnificent! And Jane Rosenthal will live forever!

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Wow! I absolutely love this essay and perspective from these women! Everyone has been fixated on what’s going on in court; sure, that’s very important, but I’m also intrigued by these fabulous women showing us what’s happening inside the courtroom. Thank you for this look inside their lives and day-to-day experience. This is why I’ve appreciated Liza Donnelly so much during this trial.

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"Cornell was hesitant to draw him sleeping early on, she said, because well, who hasn’t fallen asleep in court?" So, she's editorializing by omission? I thought the assignment was capturing what's in front of them, not, in effect, making a news judgment.

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god, he’s so ugly. Poor Stormy

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I love your work!

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I’ve been wondering about these artists every time I see a sketch on the news! Always thought it would a cool job to have. Thank you for sharing these stories!

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